2024 NBA Draft Preview: Finding Hidden Gems in a Weak Class


The anticipation and unforeseen developments leading up to the 2024 NBA Draft, which commences this Wednesday, have somewhat obscured the stark reality: this year's draft class is widely perceived as one of the weakest in terms of incoming talent the league has seen since at least 2013.

Not only is there an absence of a clear No. 1 pick or any obvious star power at the top of this draft, but the overall depth of the field also appears significantly diminished.

A notable factor contributing to this lack of depth is that a striking number of prospects have opted to return to college, further thinning out the draft pool.

Reflecting on the 2013 Draft

This year's draft has often been compared to 2013, another year that faced similar criticisms for its lack of standout talent.

Anthony Bennett, who was selected as the top overall pick in 2013, has infamously earned the reputation of being one of the biggest busts in NBA history.

The remainder of the top five comprised Victor Oladipo, Otto Porter Jr., Cody Zeller, and Alex Len—solid players but none approaching superstar status. However, the 2013 draft is remembered not just for its high-profile disappointments but also for the unexpected gems it unearthed.

Notably, the Milwaukee Bucks altered their franchise trajectory by selecting Giannis Antetokounmpo with the No. 14 overall pick. Giannis has since become a two-time MVP and an NBA champion. Later in the first round, the Utah Jazz selected Rudy Gobert at No. 27, who has since become a four-time Defensive Player of the Year, illustrating that even drafts labeled as weak can yield substantial talent.

Discovering Hidden Value

Historically weak drafts have still managed to offer hidden value. Examining past drafts reveals that every year, at least one player emerges as an unexpected star. This reinforces the importance of diligent scouting and keen organizational insight.

When a team successfully identifies these "sleepers," it can significantly alter their franchise's future. For instance, the 2013 draft, initially panned, eventually produced several players who achieved significant success.

Among the nine players highlighted earlier from that year's top five picks and the notable selections of Giannis and Gobert, four have won NBA championships, seven have appeared in the NBA Finals, and all nine have reached the conference finals.

Looking Ahead to the 2024 Draft

Despite the challenges and concerns surrounding the 2024 NBA Draft, the potential for uncovering new talents remains. The uncertainty at the top could encourage teams to take bolder risks, potentially leading to the discovery of future stars who might have been overlooked in a draft class with more certainty.

It's crucial for franchises to maintain a perspective of optimism and diligence. After all, history has shown that even in the least promising drafts, transformative talent can be found.


The narrative surrounding the 2024 NBA Draft may be dominated by its reputation as a weak class, but this does not negate the possibility of hidden gems emerging. By drawing parallels with the equally criticized 2013 draft, teams and fans alike can find hope and excitement.

The key takeaway is the unpredictability of talent and the ever-present potential for surprises that can have lasting impacts on franchises. As the draft unfolds, the basketball world waits with bated breath to see who might be the next unexpected star to change the game.