New Era for Olympic Boxing as Search for Governing Body Begins

New Era for Olympic Boxing as Search for Governing Body Begins

In a pivotal move that could shape the future of Olympic boxing, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) is on the hunt for a new governing body to oversee the sport's inclusion in the 2028 Los Angeles Olympics. This decision follows the removal of the International Boxing Association (IBA) from its role in overseeing the boxing events at Tokyo 2021 and the upcoming Paris Olympic Games.

The separation of the IBA from Olympic duties was cemented by the Court of Arbitration for Sport, which confirmed the IOC's decision to de-recognize the association. The IOC has expressed significant concerns over the management and governance of the IBA, particularly criticizing its Russian leadership for what has been described as the use of threatening language.

Despite these challenges, the spirit of boxing remains undimmed within the Olympic movement. The IOC has made it clear it wishes to retain boxing as a staple of the Olympic Games, citing the sport’s universal appeal and its ability to promote social inclusivity. However, to achieve this, it emphasizes the need for a recognized and trustworthy International Federation to take the helm by early 2025. This new partner would guarantee the continuity of boxing within the storied tapestry of the Olympic Games, alongside other celebrated sports.

A Call to Arms

In the light of recent developments, a new faction named World Boxing has emerged, rallying behind the cause of preserving Olympic boxing. Comprising members from 27 nations, World Boxing has commenced hosting tournaments, eyeing to legitimize boxing's place in the Olympics firmly. Their initiatives underscore the urgency of the situation, as the clock ticks closer to the Los Angeles 2028 Olympics.

The friction between the former governing body and the IOC has not dissipated silently. The IBA, considering an appeal to the Swiss supreme court over the Court of Arbitration for Sport's ruling, asserts that its recent efforts at reform have been unjustly ignored. It argues that this oversight points to a biased perspective against the association’s endeavors.

Voices From the Arena

Reflecting on the scenario, an IOC representative highlighted boxing's unique position within the Olympic family, "Because of the universality and high social inclusivity of boxing, the IOC wants it to continue to feature on the program of the Olympic Games." This sentiment underscores the integral role boxing plays in the Olympics, not just as a sport, but as a vehicle for bringing diverse communities together.

The precarious status of boxing in the future Olympic Games, particularly for Los Angeles 2028, was underscored by an official statement from the IOC. It detailed the inherent governance issues preventing the organization from coordinating another Olympic boxing tournament, clearly stating the need for a reliable International Federation as a partner, akin to arrangements with other Olympic sports.

World Boxing, recognizing the critical nature of the scenario, voiced its concerns, "This is an urgent situation and the clock is ticking." The organization’s plea for involvement and support was poignant, as it appealed to all stakeholders in the boxing community to rally behind their mission and ensure that boxing maintains its respected place within the Olympic Movement.

The IBA, on the other hand, reiterated its stance, "The IBA feels that disregarding these and other improvements suggests a biased view." This statement reflects a sentiment of disappointment and a call for recognition of the association’s efforts to reform and address past concerns.


As the International Olympic Committee steers the course towards finding a new custodian for Olympic boxing, the global boxing community watches on with bated breath. The emergence of World Boxing as a potential steward marks a new chapter in the sport’s Olympic saga. However, as discussions, decisions, and potential appeals unfold, the goal remains clear: to secure a future for boxing in the Olympic Games that honors the sport's rich heritage and universal appeal.

As this narrative unfolds, the fate of Olympic boxing rests not only in the hands of the governing bodies but also in the commitment of the sport's global community to embrace change, advocate for governance, and support the sport’s enduring legacy within the Olympic Movement.