A Bold Initiative by Hockey India

A Bold Initiative by Hockey India

In a significant step forward for Indian field hockey, Hockey India has unveiled an ambitious program focused on nurturing young talent in two crucial areas of the sport: drag-flicking and goalkeeping. This initiative aims to enhance the skills essential for excelling on the international stage, drawing on the expertise of former Indian goalkeepers and drag-flick specialists. Such a move is seen as pivotal for the future of Indian hockey, promising to prepare a new generation of players capable of competing at the highest level.

Pooling Talent to Forge Champions

At the heart of this innovative program is the creation of a Talent Pool, consisting of distinguished former players. These seasoned veterans are tasked with leading intensive 3-day training sessions at national hockey academies across the country. Their role includes not just coaching the promising talents but also scouting for fresh talent that can be honed to perfection. This strategy ensures a continuous supply of skilled players who can contribute significantly to the success of the national teams. Hockey India has committed to providing generous compensation for these former players, acknowledging their invaluable contribution to the development of the sport. Additionally, all expenses related to the training sessions will be covered, ensuring that the focus remains solely on enhancing the skills of the young players.

Transformative Impact on the Game

The emphasis on drag-flicking and goalkeeping is no coincidence. These are areas that have historically influenced the outcome of hockey matches, often tipping the balance in favor of teams that excel in them. By focusing on these aspects, Hockey India aims to create a formidable force capable of dominating the international hockey scene. Sumrai Tete, speaking on the initiative, highlighted the importance of goalkeepers and drag-flickers in a team's success, stating that they "would benefit tremendously from this focused initiative." This sentiment was echoed by Paramjit Singh, who emphasized their pivotal role "in tilting the scales of the game." Similarly, Azad Singh Malik described the initiative as a "cornerstone in honing world-class goalkeepers and drag-flickers for the national teams." Moreover, Malik also stressed the value of exposing coaches to training methodologies and techniques derived from the experiences of former players. He believes this will equip coaches with enhanced expertise, beneficial for mentoring younger talents. This approach not only benefits the players but also elevates the overall coaching standard within the sport.


Hockey India's comprehensive program represents a strategic investment in the future of Indian hockey. By focusing on critical skills such as drag-flicking and goalkeeping, and leveraging the experience of former players, the initiative promises to elevate the standard of play to international levels. This concerted effort to nurture young talent and enhance coaching methodologies could well be the catalyst that propels Indian hockey onto the world stage, bringing glory to the nation in the process.