Los Angeles Kings Unveil New Logo Inspired by Gretzky Era

The Los Angeles Kings have unveiled a new logo inspired by the iconic 1990s Gretzky era. This updated emblem aims to bridge the gap between the past and the present, highlighting the significant influence of Wayne Gretzky's tenure on the team’s branding. The new logo revives the "Chevron" design from Gretzky's era, blending historic moments with future ambitions.

A Nod to History

"Los Angeles" is prominently featured at the top of the new logo, accompanied by an updated version of the original 1967 crown, thus encapsulating the franchise’s rich history and evolution. This redesigned logo is essentially a modern reimagining of elements from the early 90s jerseys, replacing the former one that was introduced in 2008. The Kings have spent two years working on this new design, which honors the past while resonating with today’s audiences.

Extensive Collaboration

Luc Robitaille, emphasizing the extensive effort and collaboration that went into the logo's creation, noted that "this has been an extensive and collaborative process, and we are thrilled to roll this out to our fans and the city of Los Angeles." The design process involved feedback from both past and current players to ensure the final product was reflective of the team's rich history and its future aspirations.

"This evolution is rooted in our 57-year history and embraces the elements of our eras," added Robitaille. The intent is to set the stage for extensions and new iterations in the future, offering a timeless design that still allows room for growth and adaptation.

Organizational Pride

Kelly Cheeseman shared in the excitement, remarking on the pride felt throughout the organization. "From ownership to our players, our organization is proud to usher in a new era of LA Kings Hockey. We are excited for our fans to be part of this with us." This new design aims to fuse classic and modern elements, ensuring it will resonate with fans of all generations.

Launch Details

Fans eager to get their hands on the new logo will not have to wait long. The updated logo will be available for purchase starting Friday, June 21, at the Crypto.com Arena's Team LA Store. This new launch not only pays homage to the past but also embraces future possibilities, reflecting the franchise's ongoing journey.

Ultimately, this redesigned logo is more than just a visual update; it is a symbol of the Los Angeles Kings' storied legacy and their ongoing quest for hockey excellence. By blending elements from the Gretzky era with modern aesthetics, the Kings have created a logo that both honors their past and looks forward to the future.